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Wave Fundamentals

Swell Height πŸ†š Surf Height

First off we need to make an important announcement:

Sooo what's the difference and why should I care?

Swell Height

The word swell is commonly used to refer to waves traveling in the open ocean. You can think of "Swell height" as the size of the waves you would see if you're on a boat.

Surf Height

When swell in the open ocean reaches the shore, it turns into a breaking wave that you can surf. So "Surf Height" is how big the waves are at your local beach. This is what we care about as surfers.

One More Time for the Table Freaks πŸ‘‰

Swell heightThe height of waves traveling in the open oceanWhat you'd see from a boat ⛡️
Surf heightThe height of waves breaking at your beachWhat you'd see at the beach πŸ–οΈ

Totally Different Things

Here's the kicker: surf forecasting sites don't always tell you which one they give you!

This is a big problem, because what's happening out in the ocean is vastly different from what happens at your beach.

Which Forecasting Sites Give You What?

Forecast ServiceGives You
SwellifyHeight of waves you'd surfβœ…
SurflineHeight of waves you'd surfβœ…
SwellmapHeight of waves you'd surfβœ…
WindyHeight of swell in the open ocean❌
Windy.appHeight of swell in the open ocean❌
Surf-forecast.comHeight of swell in the open ocean❌
Good Surf NowHeight of swell in the open ocean❌
Updated September 24, 2024

The sites that give you swell height (the height of open ocean waves) aren't inherently bad, but keep in mind:

πŸ‘‰ Estimating the SURF height (size of the waves at your beach) based on SWELL height can be incredibly difficult.

It requires deep knowledge of each surf break and complex formulas that take into account the conservation of wave energy, like this one:

E=18ρgHrms2E = \frac{1}{8}\rho g H_{rms}^{2}

πŸ‘‰ So if you're using a site that's showing you swell height and not surf height, the forecast can be extremely misleading. Swellify does all of these advanced calculations so you don't have to.

A Tale of Two Swells

There are two swells at sea with the exact same Swell Height. However, one swell approaches the beach from an angle, while the other approaches it head on.

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You've Mastered Swell Height and Surf Height!
Read on to learn more about why the direction of a swell matters so much at your local beach.